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Zirojević to Vraneš: You will still see golden eagles on a red background

Commenting on the recent statements of the President of the Municipality of Pljevlja, Darija Vraneš, spokesperson of the Social Democrats and candidate for deputy from the list "Together! For the future that belongs to you" Nikola Zirojević said that Vraneš will still see golden eagles on a red background and May 21, like it or not, will be remembered as long as it lives.
He said that every May 21, every July 13, cities in Montenegro will be flooded with flags and beaming faces, celebrating the most significant day in the modern history of Montenegro, announcing that next year the central celebration of Independence Day could be organized in Pljevlje. .
Women of Cetinje, we owe you perhaps the biggest apology - because we were wrong as a government. We also sinned against this city, we sinned against you too, because we could and had to give Cetinje much more. We are aware of this, we are aware of the debt we owe to this city and to you, and that is why this new, young generation is here - to correct all the mistakes that were made towards Cetinje in the previous 30 years - said Zirojević to the gathered citizens.
We remind you that Vraneš requested that tricolors be displayed urgently on the buildings of municipal enterprises and institutions. He also said that May 21, Montenegro's Independence Day, is a "circus show" and that he will stop the practice of celebrating.
In Catinje, Zirojevič pointed out that it is of great importance that no civic-minded individual stays home on June 11 or does not vote where it will spill out and end up on who knows who.
We have gathered to say that there has been enough of humiliating this country, its deviation from the European and Euro-Atlantic course and that we will no longer allow ourselves, in the region and beyond, to be the object of mockery and scorn due to their ignorance and irresponsible management. We came tonight to tell them that we don't forget Belvedere or Bogetiće, and that from this very place we support all those whom the so-called "arm of justice" is trying to intimidate with court summons and some fake court proceedings - he said.
Zirojević referred to, as he said, "fake court proceedings" related to the events of September 4 and 5, 2021 in Cetinje, stating that the accused citizens are being accused by those whose closest associates occupy the prison cells accused of organized crime and corruption and they whose names are mentioned in a positive context on almost every page of the decrypted Sky application by organized criminal groups.
From this place, from the capital city, from the cradle of Montenegro and the source of our national and cultural identity, we tell them - IT WILL NOT BE ABLE! We stand with our sisters and brothers, as one, telling them that Belveder is not one or more people, Belveder is Montenegro - said Zirojević.
M. J.

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