Author: M.J.
The Bosniak Party was led by the interests of a few party officials decided to enter the government, the MP of Social Democrat Nikola Zirojevic said.
"This is the reconstruction of the Government in the first time in the executive government directly entered by Prorussian, anti-NATO entities. The Bosniak Party, which, was conducted by the interests of a few functiononners to enter the reconstructed government, on the same day with To those who glorify genocide in Srebrenica, "he pointed out in an interview day.
When it comes to the duration of the current government, Zirojevic says, everything is possible.
"It is possible to fall apart by the end of the year and to go to the polls, it is possible to reconstruct again, and it is also possible to take place by the end of the term," Zirojević added.