Author: M.J.
The Social Democrates (SD) Nikola Zirojevic said that he would submit an initiative for the control of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Flip Ivanovic because of the array of diplomatic scandals.
He is, in Today, in the Parliament of Montenegro, he said that there are three situations that made them out of that party from that party.
One visit is the President of the BiH entity Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik. The President of the Assembly of Andrija Mandić clearly showed his position on the territorial integrity of BiH - he emphasized Zirojević.
With the same flag, he added, which he unioed into his cabinet was greeted by Dodik.
BiH instructed the protest note to Montenegro because there was no pointed state characteristic of that state. Notorna untrue is that RS created BiH - Zirojevic pointed out.
From that party, they believe that Filip Ivanović was obliged to address this regard and to apologize to BiH.
Another reason for the initiative is the statement of the ambassador of Serbia who said that there is no force that one nation can separate and that the borders change. This is a dangerous statement by which he says the borders can be deleted and denying the Montenegrin identity - said Zirojević.
As he stated, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MVP) had to react to this.
The third is a statement of the Russian ambadador we acclisted as a threat not only to Montenegro than all Western Balkan countries. It is an unauthorized mixing in the external political course of Montenegro - Zirojević added.
He also said that I would have how MVP had to react in this case, and that he took both the ambassador to interview, that he had to be handed in a protest note and that the Russian ambassador had to cancel hospitality.
We think that these are more than enough reasons for the Minister to appear before the Committee on International Financies and Emigrants. We expect at least five signatures of support and that at one time we will have Minister Ivanovic before the Parent Committee - said Zirojević.
The interpellation announced by the Civil Movement on the work of Minister of Justice Andrej Milović in their club, as he says, did not arrive.
And I'm not even ready to sign it when he comes from Device - he concluded.